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Thanks for the support and good wishes

Thanks to all of you for your good wishes and positive thoughts for JD . She is gaining a bit more energy each day. In fact yesterday she forgot she only has the three legs to work with, and took off after a cat walking across ‘her’ back fence. Well the three legs took her out the door as fast as lightning but she just couldn’t make the sharp turns she used to and took quite a tumble. But the chase instinct kicked in and she was up and hopping in a flash. Of course the cat got away, they always do!

I am looking into/reading about the mushrooms. Since I take both fish oil and gluchosamine, I started her on both on Monday. The glucosamine tab is broken in half and hidden in a ball of squisshy white bread (her prefered method for taking yucky pils) and I squirt the fish oil over her morning kibble and throw in the empty capsule and she seems to not even notice. But I must add that I have noticed that her ‘silent-but-deadly’ gaseous emissions have increased in stinkyness!!!! 🙂

Thanks again for all the good wishes and crossed paws, we will keep in touch.
JDs Mom

2 Responses so far »

  1. etgayle said,

    August 18, 2010 @ 5:48 pm     

    jd, so good to hear you are doing better!! nothing gets a girl going like chasing a stray cat out of the yard. i’m just thinking it’s not you leaving the ‘mist of love’ in the air….always blame the dog….


  2. nbobco said,

    August 19, 2010 @ 10:17 am     

    My tripawd Chloe has the same “sharp turning” problem. She too forgets she has a missing leg and when she chases anything from a cat to her squeaker, she sometimes loses her balance when trying to make tight turns like she used to.

    However, I think its a good sign that they think they can do everything they used to so that it keeps them wanting to stay active and makes us forget that they only have 3 legs.

    Great to hear good news!
    -Chloe’s mom

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