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Ordered the mushrooms – new product-cheaper

I was making my order for JD’s mushroom supplements and the operator told me of an offer that is not yet on their web page.

They have combined the K-9 Immunity with the K-9 transfer factor and the fish oil all into one ‘tasty’ tablet. I would have to be giving my girl many tabs a day to get the full dose of the older version into her 90 pound body. BONUS…it is cheaper!!! For a first order a whole months supply is only $48.38 plus shipping. Following orders will be $64.50. This is quite a savings! I have no financial interest in the company so this is just for your information.

My procrastination in ordering JD’s mushroom treatment has paid off.

JD’s mom

3 Responses so far »

  1. admin said,

    August 19, 2010 @ 11:06 am     

    Excellent news! Thanks for sharing. From your post title, we assumed you were going to mention Power Mushrooms, but it sure sounds like you’re talking about Aloha Medicinals. If so, they haven’t even informed us about this new product yet.

  2. maggie said,

    August 19, 2010 @ 12:02 pm     

    Way cool!!!! Seems it is similar to 4 Life’s Product that I use on Maggie – Transfer Factor Complete Canine Mix – although that has vit/min in it as well.

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  3. nbobco said,

    August 21, 2010 @ 7:05 pm     

    Hi JD’s mom! In response to the forum post I just wanted to let you know that I do not need to be sponsored by the mile or anything but I do have a fundraiser campaign where you can donate directly to the Morris Animal Foundation through my site below! I didn’t realize it but it posts your first and last name, so I made my fundraiser private so that only the people I send the link to can view the names (kind of a stickler for not giving out too much info on the web). Anyway, donating is not required since I would be happy to put her name on my shirt!

    Here is the site if you want to check it out: (might need to copy/paste)

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